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Our Story

​I attended Summit School of Guitar Building and Repair on Vancouver Island in August 2020.

As a graduate from their Master Luthier program my mission

is to create unique and individual instruments, with sustainably

sourced materials ensuring an exquisite sound.


As a Luthier I bring to the table a unique blend of traditional and modern techniques.

My hope is that each instrument brings the artist as much joy as I felt

during the creation process. Growing up in Northern Ontario, I spent my days

accompanying my father walking his trap lines, prospecting and

appreciating the Great Canadian Wilderness. 


After graduating, I ventured from home and headed West to the small prairie town of Brandon, Manitoba to establish my roots. While trying to make ends meet playing in local bands, I met my soon to be wife Jessica, and together we formed our duo The Waitress and Cook.


During this period we spent our days building a recording studio within Moreland Manor. This was the beginning of my fascination for providing quality dynamic sound to local artist, and to my own music.

Over the years I’ve come to realize that working hard and following your dreams is what gives you the most fulfillment in your life.

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